Lunch & Talk – Art Restoration

Oil Painting Restorer and Conservator Giorgia Bertolino I fell in love with restoring art when I was very young, I graduated from University back in 2014 in Naples, Italy, with a Master in Fine Art Restoration with honour - specialized in Oil painting and decorated surfaces. During the years of university I did several internships in Naples (private studios and public organisations) and I went to Germany to work for the Hamburg Museum for a year. I worked in the Department of Painting Restoration. In 2015 I moved to London and I worked at the Shepherd Conservation studio, a very well renowned restoration studio for paintings. I have also worked for a studio in Salisbury. I then moved to the Isle of Wight in 2017 and started my Restoration business, named "GB Conservation". In 2018 I went up north, in Carlisle, to work as Head of Paintings conservation department for a large company called "The Fine Art Restoration Company". I decided to come back to the island in 2019 and settle back here. Since then, I have my private practice near Osborne House, East Cowes, and I have clients island based and mainland. You can find all the details and dates […]